Wednesday 15 October 2008

BBC & SW Open Evening 15.10.2008

Continued from Opening Arts Centre 13.10.2008

Wednesday 15 October 2008 - I went to BBC Radio Suffolk in Ipswich for a 12.15pm 'On The Sofa' interview with Lesley Dolphin. The 'A' is missing from the outside lettering...

This is Helen on front desk. She seems to attend to all kinds of enquiries from the public whether related to the radio station or otherwise...

To Helen's left are 7 photos on the wall depicting various presenters; 7 of course ringing a bell with me because of the 7 colours of the rainbow...

Yes, there really is a sofa and this is myself sat next to host Lesley...

This Darren below with Lesley; he's her producer cum behind the scenes fixer and arranger. I enjoyed my visit to BBC Suffolk and would welcome further collaborate in the future.

Later in the day I headed to Samuel Ward Art & Technology College for their Open Evening. John and Pamela Bateman had lent St. Edmund and Blooming Bury? Yeah! for display. Here we see two visitors next to the latter painting...

Students passing by St. Edmund...

Students having a sing song...

The corridor to the English and Art departments. I put Albert Monroe-Marilynstein at the end of this corridor to enable the 'changing painting' experience...

It was a long day. Listened to England winning 1-3 in Belarus on the drive home.

Thursday 16 October 2008 - Walking in the countryside. Are these Garrick mushrooms? I'm not sure, but they are big and red...

This chap has been painting the Barningham church notice board for 3 days now. I know because it is on my walk to Barningham Stores and Post Office...

I attended this church a few times as a small child during Harvest Festivals and such like...

Today, the news is reporting the arrest of a couple having sex on the beach in Dubai. When are we going to grow up? I do not particularly want to see people making love in public, but I certainly do not want to see them arrested for making love. I have a glass of wine next to me as I type - here's to sex on the beach!

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